Whistleblowing Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy


The Whistle Blowing Policy provides a platform for partners, suppliers and the members of public to report on observed improprieties that involve Singapore Turf Club (STC) staff and/or its partner(s)/supplier(s). STC treats all feedback/complaints seriously and will investigate when there is a need to do so.


Reporting Channel


The whistle blower may send the whistle blowing report to: whistleblow@turfclub.com.sg.


Alternatively, the whistle blower may address his/her concerns to any of the designated officers:


a)    Chief Human Resources Officer, Corporate Planning & Human Resource  
  Singapore Turf Club  
  Ms Jassy Tan  
  DID: 6879 1646   
  Email: jassytan@turfclub.com.sg  


b)    President & Chief Executive  
  Singapore Turf Club  
  Ms Irene MK Lim  
  DID: 6879 1025  
  Email: irenelim@turfclub.com.sg  


c)    Senior Director, Group Internal Audit  
  Tote Board  
  Ms Rachel Tan  
  DID: 6991 7236  
  Email: rachel_tan@toteboard.gov.sg  


d)    Chairman, Audit & Risk Sub-Committee  
  Singapore Turf Club  
  Mr Nagaraj Sivaram  
  Email: nsivaram@turfclub.com.sg  


Information to be provided


In reporting any unethical, fraudulent, or corrupt activity, the Whistleblower shall, to the best of his/her ability, ensure that the information he/she provides is accurate. The report should include details of:


  • Description of the wrongful practice, including dates or period of times of the occurrences;
  • the staff involved and place (name & location);
  • value of any money or assets involved;
  • any external parties involved (name, description and address);
  • how the suspected activity was discovered;
  • any potential sources of additional information about the matter in question; and
  • any other information that would assist with the investigation.



Types of Impropriety


The types of impropriety include but are not limited to the following:


  • Failure to observe a legal obligation
  • Miscarriage of justice
  • Concerns about STC’s accounting, internal controls or auditing matters
  • Breach of or failure to implement or comply with the STC’s policies
  • Corruption, malpractice, acts of fraud, theft and mismanagement or misuse of the STC’s properties, assets or resources
  • Conduct which is improper, unethical or in breach of the law
  • Abuse of power or authority
  • Serious conflict of interest without disclosure
  • Participation in or condoning a reportable wrongdoing through wilful suppression or concealment of any information relating to a wrongdoing





Whistleblowers are strongly encouraged to provide their names and contact numbers to facilitate investigations. Further clarifications are often needed and helpful in investigations into the feedback/complaints. The ability to investigate depends on the quality and adequacy of the information provided by the Whistleblower. Subject to applicable laws and regulations, STC will protect the confidentiality of the Whistleblower.



Protection of Whistleblower


Except for malicious whistleblowing, a Whistleblower who makes a feedback/complaint shall be protected by STC against any reprisal.


If the results of an investigation show that the Whistleblower acted maliciously or did not act in good faith or submitted a feedback/complaint which he knew to be false, or without a reasonable belief in the truth and accuracy of the information, STC shall consider taking appropriate actions against the Whistleblower.